Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas 2008
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We had a really wonderful time staying with our family. Unfortuantly the roads didn't allow us to venture to the Goldsworthy farm, as we usaully do on Christmas Day, and staying with my family made me realize that they don't slow down for one minute on the holidays...from one place to the next. Very fun, but man I was tired by the end!
The first pics are of Joel and his "web". Yes, we are going to tear the carpet off the stairs, and Joel and Luke are off to a head start. They do this about 3-4 days/week. I think it's really good for not knowing how to tie knots! They might be better at rope tying than you John!
Next pics are of Chirstmas eve. We had it at Aunt Tressa's and Uncle Jim's. They had us reinact the Christmas story. I think in the first picture I'm supposed to be Marry...since I'm obvisouly with Child. Keith has a donkey head on and Luke was supposed to be Joseph, but instead he rode the donkey and I walked it...really nice Luke, we'll have to work on those sort of curtousies in the next 20 years!
After that we all exercised our musical abilities and played/sang Chirstmas carols! We then spent the night at my mom and dad's and woke up to Santa presents and brunch with the extended family. Yumm! Then it was off to two both grandparent's which point we headed home to get naps. However, we did make it to grandma Pentecost's in the evening, but I think I took the pictures on mom's camara.
Oh ya, John, the kids, and I have a tradition that you sleep under the tree on Chrismtas eve, but since we have spent the night at my parent's with John being gone the past two years, we take our Christmas eve on the eve of Christmas Eve. So some pics are of us having pizza/movie night and sleeping under the fun!
And finally, are our sleding pics! That was sooo fun. Wish I could have participated this year, but thought the baby might not like it! I ran next to the sled though, which proved to be very painful and not the best idea. We didn't have any sleds, so dad..somehow...cut one out of a fertilizer container. It was really fun...probably my favorite part of the day!
Last pics are ones that Genie and Bob sent of Joe, Suz and Val snowmobiling on the Goldsworthy Farm....I'm jealous. Hopefully they'll be enough snow next year too....but that's probably unlikely.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas from Iraq
I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from JSS Istiqlal (Just north of Baghdad). I just got done stuffing myself with mash potatoes and turkey so if my sentences get short that means I'm starting to nod off. Christmas was pretty laid back out here today. To the Iraqi's it was just another Thursday. A couple of them came by for meetings..and we reluctantly let them in the gate. (I think they are getting us back for bugging the crap out of them during the recent EID holidays).
To me it was probably a Christmas where the meaning of it all hit the most. Being away from the busyness of what we have made Christmas in America, helped me get a deeper understanding of the significance of God fulfilling his word and coming to earth. For some reason it had a greater impact when I read how because of Herod's census, Mary and Joseph had to go back to their tribal town, in the later stages of Mary's pregnancy. And just like that Mary gave birth and a prophecy written hundreds of years earlier was fulfilled when the birth took place in Bethlehem. That was just one of many prophecies written long before Christ took place....too much to be coincidence. Even though many of us all know this, it's another matter to really have it sink in. It gives you great joy and awe to realize that the Creator of the Universe took this day a couple thousand years ago to do what he said he would do. So to me (this year) Christmas has become more then giving gifts and worrying about food. It has even become more then getting together with loved ones (although that would be really nice). It is about celebrating a time in human history when our Creator fulfilled a promise. The most important promise. When God himself came to the world as a man and lived like one of us. I hope that realization will continue to grow.
I can't wait to celebrate Christmas next year with Katie, the little ones, and other family and friends. Getting to see some snow would be nice too. My short term gift that will be really great will be to see our replacements starting to arrive...getting closer...can't wait.
Iraq over here is changing. I attached a link of a news story that caught my eye. I spent a couple days in October at this JSS. One of Saddam's old shopping malls. It was an 5 story hollowed out structure. People would live and work on the inside terraces...which were completely gutted and dark. Felt like I was living in a Mad Max film. The soldiers their called it the Death Star.
Will hope you all have a great Christmas. Thank you for the prayers... they work, I can tell you more about that later. Look forward to seeing many of you in a couple months.
God Bless,
To me it was probably a Christmas where the meaning of it all hit the most. Being away from the busyness of what we have made Christmas in America, helped me get a deeper understanding of the significance of God fulfilling his word and coming to earth. For some reason it had a greater impact when I read how because of Herod's census, Mary and Joseph had to go back to their tribal town, in the later stages of Mary's pregnancy. And just like that Mary gave birth and a prophecy written hundreds of years earlier was fulfilled when the birth took place in Bethlehem. That was just one of many prophecies written long before Christ took place....too much to be coincidence. Even though many of us all know this, it's another matter to really have it sink in. It gives you great joy and awe to realize that the Creator of the Universe took this day a couple thousand years ago to do what he said he would do. So to me (this year) Christmas has become more then giving gifts and worrying about food. It has even become more then getting together with loved ones (although that would be really nice). It is about celebrating a time in human history when our Creator fulfilled a promise. The most important promise. When God himself came to the world as a man and lived like one of us. I hope that realization will continue to grow.
I can't wait to celebrate Christmas next year with Katie, the little ones, and other family and friends. Getting to see some snow would be nice too. My short term gift that will be really great will be to see our replacements starting to arrive...getting closer...can't wait.
Iraq over here is changing. I attached a link of a news story that caught my eye. I spent a couple days in October at this JSS. One of Saddam's old shopping malls. It was an 5 story hollowed out structure. People would live and work on the inside terraces...which were completely gutted and dark. Felt like I was living in a Mad Max film. The soldiers their called it the Death Star.
Will hope you all have a great Christmas. Thank you for the prayers... they work, I can tell you more about that later. Look forward to seeing many of you in a couple months.
God Bless,
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We were luckily enough to have my sister-in-law, Suzanne, come stay with us for a few days. Her plane was delayed in Seattle, and it was easier to fly to our house, than her parents. She was such a great help, and it's always fun to hang with her.
Other pics are of my dad. He and my mom, brought back sea shells from Florida, and he made them into Christmas ornaments with the kids :) They all love Papa!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Mousy, Monkey, Power Ranger

The kids found the Halloween costume a friend had given us, up with the snow clothes, and one night Joel decided to put it on. He had to go grocery shopping with me, so he wore it all through WINCO grocery, and of course, got plenty of comments. He was so cute, but by the end of the store trip, he would tell everyone, "I'm not a mouse or a monkey. I'm a Power Ranger"!
Snow, Snow, Snow!!!

We're getting quite a bit of snow here :) The kids are loving it and I have to say I like it too...It's beautiful...I'm just not so sure about driving in it!
Pictures are of the kids and the first snow. Having hot chocolate after the first snow, and one of my parent's house with lots of snow...I thought it was such a pretty picture, I had to put it on. Hope you're enjoying all of your snow :) --The Goldsworthys
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Boat Parade.....or not!
Well, here's our 2nd annual trip to the boat parade. It's just a walk from our house, and I think it's so fun. This year is Richland's 50th b-day, so they put on a great fireworks show before the parade. The kids had been asking for the snow to come all day, but once they had to walk in it, Chloe and Joel started to cry about being cold, and by the time the fireworks were over, they all wanted to go. Even Holly and my neighbors all started heading back. was a great attempt to see the boat parade...maybe next year!
Sunday, December 14, 2008

This first pic is of my kids....I'm embarrased to say, on most nights....hogging my bed! I told John, we're going to have to upgrade to a King when he gets back!
Second pic is of our friend Jessica, who brought the kids a gingerbread house to work on. I have to say, that she is a much more talented gingerbread house maker than I am. :)
Third is Joel, after he fell asleep on his floor, waiting to go to the boat parade. Notice his hand is still on his toy cute!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
What cute girls I live with!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Santa picture for 2008!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Spokane meet :)
Gingerbread house

My Aunt Anne gave me this awesome gingerbread house making kit for my birthday...isn't it great that they come in kits now days! So, the kids and I broke it out to make for Thanksgiving dinner. Of course, it didn't get much response from the eaters, next to all the other delicious desserts, so we brought it home, and bagged it up to use as bribing treats :)....stale gingerbread anyone?? My kids love it!
Friday, November 28, 2008
The most annoying Christmas song ever....from us to you :)
Yes, we have updated our blog for the Christmas season. Luke has decided we should put his favorite song first on the playlist. He would play it over and over, if the rest of us would let him! If it drives you nuts, just skip to another...I know I will!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
More superhero stuff to come! Another Goldsworthy boy!
Hey everyone,
Yup, today we found out we are having another little boy! Luke is excited, Chloe is very dissapointed, and Joel will only laugh and call the baby a coffee pot or heart attack?? He's in a very silly stage. John and I are so happy to be having another healthy baby! In a few years John is totally going to get his butt kicked when it comes to wrestling!
The great thing about being diabetic is that you get lots of cool ultrasounds. Today I got my ultrasound at the high-risk clinic. They have an awesome 3-D machine and I was able to see the baby so well! I couldn't believe how much it looked like a newborn baby. Dispite the fuzzy pictures, he actually looks alot like Joel, and it was much clearer on the moniter. John was able to call during the ultrasound and find out the news with us!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Cousins in Vancouver!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Whoa! I'm 30!
Here are some pics from my 30th b-day. Mom and Dad watched the kids while I went shopping!....boy, did I feel more normal after that! The kids and a family friend got me balloons and presents yesterday, and we had a really great family party tonight, with soooo much really great food! I'm stuffed! Thanks everyone! It was a great b-day!
Life at our place
Monday, November 10, 2008
Early Happy Veteran's Day

So thank you, to all who have served in the past and all that are serving today, so selflessly, to make our country what it is today.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Applesauce anyone?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Chloe Girl
Today I came home from work to have Chloe telling me that she was naughty for the babysitter. She seemed so reclusive, which she is more of an introvert than me, but also seemed sad. Sometimes I realize that we get NO alone time with John being gone. I get time with Joel, while the older two are at school, but no time for just them alone. Therefore, I decided it would be best to keep her up late now and then and go out for coffee, well coffee and hot chocolate. So, we hit Starbucks! When I told her we were going on a date by ourselves, her eyes light up, a big smile crossed her face and she rushed down stairs to get dressed up. We visited at Starbucks and then did a little clothes shopping at Target. It was so much fun and I realize what fun part she'll be throughout the years of my life. We have our right brain in common. We love music, dancing, clothes and decor. I'm so thankfull God gave me such a fun girl! And I can't wait untill John comes home, so we can have more regular "daughter dates", as she calls them.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I've been are 6 random things about me.
1.) I complain about it, but I actually like it when all my kids crawl in my bed at night. It's so cozy....and squishy, but they're so sweet like that.
2.) I actually don't like all the house improvement I do, I really just do it so I can decorate it, which I love.
3.) I would normally describe myself (when not pregnant) as someone who drinks way too much coffee and runs around with my head cutt-off. (Possibly, a slight case of adult ADD).
4.) I'm a good piano player and a horrible guitar player, but I enjoy both.
5.) I think there's nothing better in life then a fall or winter Sunday morning, with my husband, my kids running around wild, a cup of hot coffee and the paper. You have no idea what I would give for one of those mornings.
6.) Nothing touches my heart more than when my kids show me that they are understanding what life is really about.....what God wants us to do, and by taking care of others, as we would wants someone to do for us, we get the greatest joy of all.
1.) I complain about it, but I actually like it when all my kids crawl in my bed at night. It's so cozy....and squishy, but they're so sweet like that.
2.) I actually don't like all the house improvement I do, I really just do it so I can decorate it, which I love.
3.) I would normally describe myself (when not pregnant) as someone who drinks way too much coffee and runs around with my head cutt-off. (Possibly, a slight case of adult ADD).
4.) I'm a good piano player and a horrible guitar player, but I enjoy both.
5.) I think there's nothing better in life then a fall or winter Sunday morning, with my husband, my kids running around wild, a cup of hot coffee and the paper. You have no idea what I would give for one of those mornings.
6.) Nothing touches my heart more than when my kids show me that they are understanding what life is really about.....what God wants us to do, and by taking care of others, as we would wants someone to do for us, we get the greatest joy of all.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween 2008!
Yes, here are the superheros at their best! So much for the Hulk brothers, Luke wanted to be his good ol' Spiderman self...lots of holes in this costume by now, and Joel decided to wear Luke's Batman pj's at the last minute, so we had to throw on a cape and make a quick mask. Here they are climbing on my 1940's house detailing. They love to climb it to the ceiling like the real Spiderman would :)
Holly's boyfriend, Alex, with the Hulk gloves. 
Holly and Alex as the cheapest thing they could find to be.....raindeer from the dollar store.
Chloe as, yes you guessed it, Hannah Montana. This is what happens when you buy a cheap wig a month before Halloween. Note to self, buy this the day before, as they are impossible to comb through.
Yes, the picture is awefull! I worked that day, and was so tired, so I told Holly that I should go as a single, white-trash, pregnant mom, or something like that. So, we had a really good laugh creating this shot. No, I didn't go like this, but the picture turned out so awefull, that I had to post it. I love all the canning boxes and food dryer in the back.
First stop....Granmpa and Granma Pentecost's house.

Chloe bustin' a move with her first time at Guitar Hero! rock!

Brady bannana-man, and the other kids in an action shot. Didn't Carinn do an awesome job on his costume!
Second stop was our farm's harvest dinner at Granny's and the third stop was our friend, Jessica's Halloween party. Here she is with her doggie.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Our friends Nate and Heather Brown came to stay with us this week. They are the makers of Maid Naturally, a buisness that I have advertised to the side that includes all sorts of wonderfull things to clean your house organically (sold at Yokes). It was so much fun to have them! I have to add that there new Cinnamon and Orage house cleaning spray is my new favorite. It smells awesome and reminds me of Christmas! Aren't they cute!

Nothing but Noodles
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