Yes, here are the superheros at their best! So much for the Hulk brothers, Luke wanted to be his good ol' Spiderman self...lots of holes in this costume by now, and Joel decided to wear Luke's Batman pj's at the last minute, so we had to throw on a cape and make a quick mask. Here they are climbing on my 1940's house detailing. They love to climb it to the ceiling like the real Spiderman would :)
Holly's boyfriend, Alex, with the Hulk gloves.
Brady bannana-man, and the other kids in an action shot. Didn't Carinn do an awesome job on his costume!

Holly and Alex as the cheapest thing they could find to be.....raindeer from the dollar store.

Chloe as, yes you guessed it, Hannah Montana. This is what happens when you buy a cheap wig a month before Halloween. Note to self, buy this the day before, as they are impossible to comb through.

Yes, the picture is awefull! I worked that day, and was so tired, so I told Holly that I should go as a single, white-trash, pregnant mom, or something like that. So, we had a really good laugh creating this shot. No, I didn't go like this, but the picture turned out so awefull, that I had to post it. I love all the canning boxes and food dryer in the back.

First stop....Granmpa and Granma Pentecost's house.

Second stop was our farm's harvest dinner at Granny's and the third stop was our friend, Jessica's Halloween party. Here she is with her doggie.

Chloe bustin' a move with her first time at Guitar Hero! rock!

I love the costumes!! Chloe was a beautfil Hannah Montana!
TAG you're it!! Check my blog to see what you need to do:
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