Thursday, April 14, 2011

Zach turns 2!

Zach......the spunky 2 yr old!
*I'm trying to remember what we had for dinner that night....all over his face.

He didn't really "get" that it was his birthday. But the older kids let him know about it ALL DAY!!! Joel even insisted that he go to the $1 store and buy Zach a cute! So Luke, Joel and John went and bought Zach a package of whiffle balls from the dollar store. See...kid's don't need to be spoiled.

We had ice cream bars and a nice dinner and sang Happy Birthday :)

Zach can say all sorts of words. He's starting to say 3 word sentances. He is our most observant child, and also the most destructive. Funny that he is destructive and makes crazy messes, but is the cleanest of all the kids. He constantly is shutting drawers and picking things up. We'll even find him with wet whipes washing the floor. He still likes to be a "puppy" and tries to make Eva laugh multiple times/day by dancing around and screaming like a maniac! We've found him singing Happy Birthday and the ABC song, but when asked to sing it, he will only reply, "stop"! He loves balls, trucks, water and dirt. Just like any good little boy should. We love him to pieces.

Eva enjoyed the broccoli instead of ice cream. Whacha don't know won't hurt you I guess!

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