Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Early April Random Pics

As the previous post showed, we made it to Seattle a couple weekends ago. My mom had booked a hotel for a Dr's apt and then wasn't going to be using it, and couldn't back out, so we gladly took her hotel room :)

The kids seriously relish hotel rooms. John and I think they're sort of boring and would rather see the area we're visiting, but the kids will constantly ask, "when are we going to get to the hotel room"! Of course, keep in mind that we camp 95% of the time.

I supposed there is cable, contentetal breakfast, and this hotel had a swimming pool and hot tub! I suppose I can see why they like it so much!

Zach finally went to sleep after running around the room like a tornado for awhile. We all had to laugh at how he finally went to sleep.

John, the kids and I watched a movie.

Eva Jean in her April church attire.

I think she is the cutest thing!

I know it sort of looks like I have a mullet in this picture. I assure you my hair is falling out of a ponytail.

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