Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Richland Bap. VBS Concert

Richland Baptist always puts on a fantastic VBS for the community. I think they had 270 sum kids this year! My kids always love it!

My kids have been practicing in the living room the entire week for their concert.

Here's Luke.

Nana came to watch....and to hold Eva. Good thing because Zach was fussy and escaped during the end of the concert and ran from me screaming, "no!" through the foyer!

The Zach man. Tired and obnoxious. He was sick and went home and tossed his cookies afterwards. Not cool.

It's sort of like Where's Waldo, but you're looking for Joel. ...he's in the middle.

Chloe is bottom middle showin' her moves.

Class photos. Mom's idea was to take a picture of them, which is a fairly good idea, since who knows what will happen to them, however, I'm not so sure you can really see Luke much in this anyways.

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