John is now official "off payroll", otherwards know as "unemployed". I've been picking up a few more hours at my job while he has taken up my roll of a stay at home parent. Although he is much better with the kids than I am (in my opinion), and usually accomplishes quite a few things in one day (when he puts his mind to it), I'm often hearing, "you just really can't get very much done with this many kids". Between the two of us the basic cleaning, grass cutting, yard work, multiple 1/2 finished projects, bills, toys, boys toilet misses, diapers, dishes, endless piles of laundry, car cleaning, deap cleaning, and other typical household duties of a stay at home parent, just never seem to quite be caught up on. I think if we had maid who did nothing but cook, clean and take care of the children, we still wouldn't be "caught up".
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