Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eva is 5 mo old!!!

I can't believe my Eva boo is 5 mo old! She is such a doll. So sweet and has the cutest pudgiest legs, arms and cheeks ever! I'm compeletly head-over-heels about her!

Eva can roll over from tummy to back and back to tummy. She recognizes all her siblings and smiles whenever they are around her. She is starting to get mommy leaving her-itis. She likes to rock herself while people are holding her (which I find really interesting and funny. None of my other kids have done this). She sometimes sucks on her bottom lip to put herself to sleep. Luke has gotten her to laugh a couple times by jumping up and down and yelling, but besides that, she doesn't bust a gut very often. She is my most bald and pudgy baby and I have an urge to constantly kiss her cute little cheeks. Saying she is well loved around here is an understatement!


Becky said...

Thomas used to suck on his bottom lip too! Maybe it's a Peterson thing... She's a doll!

Nikki Reed said...

What a sweetie! I love that last photo!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable!!

Tanzosh said...

omg! I just want to squeeze her! Aubrey's legs were so chubby she would always get stuck in her bumbo. Everytime i tried to lift her out of it, the bumbo came with her.