Eva Jean 7lbs 2oz, 19.5 in long. Born at 3:26am.

Here's a very homely picture of both of us pre-delivery....yes, I've given John a haircut since then.

Blessed to only have a 6 hr labor, good induction, no NICU, great blood suagars....God took good care of us!
She looks like a Goldsworthy! Looks most like her big sister Chloe! Pink skin, round little face, with a bit of redish hair.

John and Eva, later that morning. Right before Joel threw-up everywhere and John had to spend the rest of the hospital stay at home with him!

The "Nana" picture :)

Chloe and Luke, thier first time seeing Eva. Unfortunatly, Joel had just thrown up in the parking lot, so they didn't get to hold her and only got to stay for a few minutes!

Isn't she just so sweet!!!

We had a truly blessed delivery. Everything I prayed for, God took care of. Unfortunatly, Joel threw-up later that morning. John took him home and never returned. He had puke/poop patrol for the next 30hrs solo! Yuck! We were pretty nervous about Eva getting it, so the kids were basically confined to the basement when I returned home,....quarentined! We tried to keep Eva in our room. The entire situation to me was heart-breaking, since the kids had waited so long to hold her. I wanted to hold them too and poor Zach, who kept screaming "mama" from the playpen. It was awefull, but what we felt was necessary. Thank goodness no one else caught whatever the germ was!
First day of Joel being better and John had to go to Spokane to do drill work for the weekend. Then on Monday, we will resume hm school and John will be back to work with dad and nose deep in school work! It's truly one of the buisiest times of life! But God has a plan and we feel this is all in it!
On a bright note, we've had some WONDERFUL help! Linda spent 2-3 days here cleaning, cooking and helping with the kids. Mom has been here almost all week and many friends have brought us meals. I feel so blessed and loved!
Eva Jean is such a sweet baby. So beautiful and besides having her days and nights mixed up, she's pretty easy and content :) Like most new moms, I'm totally in love :) Couldn't feel more blessed and happy to have my awesome 5 kiddos!
congratualations, goldsworthy family!
and welcome sweet, precious eva.
so blessed! ::hugs::
too cute ...wish i could come hold her--can't believe how big your belly was!!! can't wait to see what it looks like w/ baby #6 :-) hopefully we'll get to make a trip around spring break time to visit (my plans/hopes right now :-)
She is sooooooooooo beautiful and sweet!
so sweeeeet....I can smell her lovely heavenly smell from her pic...
God bless all of you
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