Found some neighbor boys to play with. What else would boys do besides....make things out of dirt and sticks.
Joel decided it was an ant house and felt it was an appropriate dirt/stick pillow for him. He's just resting his head (on dirt and wood) and watching the fireworks!
What happened?! This was cropped to get a close-up of his adorable face!
Wrestle mania!!! Hope our neighbors didn't think we were too weird and annoying!
Nice spot to watch the show!
Had to do a belly shot....yes, I'm feeling ginormous! Next pics are from Lake Murry.
Joel, building his castles! That face again....
Chloe girl
Zach LOVED the water. Too cute!

On the 4th we travled to Murry Lake SC. It was very warm and dirty, but it was super hot outside and the kids LOVED it! Then we hit a terrific fireworks show right outside a shopping mall (oddly enough) in Columbia. We also hit the Capital building on the way to Lake Murry (see pics below) Grandpa Bob joined us. What a terrific day. So glad we were all together!
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