Saturday, July 31, 2010
Holly's wedding shower!
Chloe, practicing her "picture pose" for her upcoming role as flowergirl in the wedding.

We have produce coming out our ears!
It's been a little wild since we've returned from our road trip! I've returned to unpacking, managing a bridal shower and what has taken the most work....dealing with summer produce! I love canning and freezing produce! Somthing about using free food that I just can't seem to turn down. Therefore the past week has been filled with cherry-apricot crisp, lots of zuchini bread, canners full of apricots, apricot jam, apricot-zucchini jam, and lots of grated/frozen zucchini...oh and freezing tomatoes. Yep, I've still got along way to go before zucchini/tomato/apple seasons are over! Here's Luke with 4 of the 7 "Zucchini nooks" we grated..jpg)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Stop #2 SD and the Meyers
It was great to see Kristen, Jason and Peyton again and to finally meet Jackson. Leisurely evening on the family farm with Lorna and Mike....and alot of kitties, who are probably scared of humans after Joel playing with them. We caught fireflies (first time I'd ever seen them!) and saw the Great Falls. Wish they still lived closer!!! Although they say they already have a place picked out for us in SD?
The Ramirez's in VA
The first stop on our road trip home was to see the Ramirez family. We rolled in about 9:30 (much later than expected) and since it was a Saturday night, the kids played untill about midnight. It was so good to see them (and Damien the new little baby). Wish we still lived closer! A little crazy to think, these were the best pictures of everyone! haha. Guess that's what happens when you're trying to photograph 9 kids!
2 weeks in SC
Well, all in all, the two weeks in SC went well. Living out of military lodging with 4 children is always "interesting". Trying to keep them quite is fairly useless, but that only gives us more of a reason to get out and see some things :) The other downer is that the weather was about 95 or above and the humidity was swealtering! So playing in the park resulted in dripping sweat, and we choose to do it less rather than more. However, we did see some beautiful parts of Columbia, we tooks walks along the pond on post, played at some terrific play areas with other moms/children, and John and the kids hit the on-post water park, which was fantastic, met alot of great people that John was in school with, hit the on-post thrift store for new toys, and let's face it, the kids got WAY more TV then they will get again in years! :) Good times.
Extra things that I was able to do with my time: Read books, check facebook WAY too many times/day. Help plan some things for Holly's wedding.
John still was taking classes and had LOTS of homework to do after his Army school. Can you tell Zach gets to stay up later than the other kids??

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
4th of July 2010!
Great pic of the fam on the 4th....although you'll notice we can't seem to get Joel to make a normal face!
Was supposed to be a picture of the Goldsworthy boys, but Zach somehow got replaced by Chloe.
Zach's first 4th (that he can remember). He LOVED it!!!...especially the fireworks! Clapped, said yea and squeeled the entire time!
John and the boys. Love these guys!
John, Chloe and Luke. Kickin' back, and watchin' the show....the 4th the way it should be!
Found some neighbor boys to play with. What else would boys do besides....make things out of dirt and sticks.
Joel decided it was an ant house and felt it was an appropriate dirt/stick pillow for him. He's just resting his head (on dirt and wood) and watching the fireworks!
What happened?! This was cropped to get a close-up of his adorable face!
Wrestle mania!!! Hope our neighbors didn't think we were too weird and annoying!
Nice spot to watch the show!
Had to do a belly shot....yes, I'm feeling ginormous! Next pics are from Lake Murry.
Joel, building his castles! That face again....
Chloe girl
Zach LOVED the water. Too cute!

On the 4th we travled to Murry Lake SC. It was very warm and dirty, but it was super hot outside and the kids LOVED it! Then we hit a terrific fireworks show right outside a shopping mall (oddly enough) in Columbia. We also hit the Capital building on the way to Lake Murry (see pics below) Grandpa Bob joined us. What a terrific day. So glad we were all together!
Columbia! The state capital.
SC state museum
What a terrific museum! They just happened to have an entire pirates section while we were visiting! The kids LOVED it....actually we all did! Bob didn't even make it off the 4th floor! It's so fun to see what the different kids liked best! Luke definetly liked the ships and the cannons! He even made me video him and the cannons, and Chloe probably liked the puppets best. Joel liked the dinosaur unit and the space unit, which I didn't even get pictures of!
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