Katy and Cameron got married! and Chloe, Luke and Joel were in the wedding. The wedding turned out absolutely beautiful! But Joel was extreemly uncooroperative! So much so that I almost had to exclude him from the wedding! However, by the grace of God, he made it down the isle, stood there for 10 minutes, without twirrling, or making silly faces, and then made it back to where we were sitting, and then was immediatly escorted out of the wedding by his dad! Fewf!
I realize with all the hoop-la, I didn't get many good pictures. Oh well, I'm sure you'll get the idea. The wedding/wedding party/ and my kids looked adorable!
The lovely ladies!
The family :)
I tried to take about 20 pre-wedding pics of the kids, this was by far the best.

Oh, I love my boys!
Zach's other mom, Denise, stealin' a kiss!

The food crew! This pictures shows just how cooperative Joel was to work with that day! Errrrr.
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