We finally have our family back together again! We are all loving every minute of it! John is a novelty to all the kids and they are really enjoying him. Luke asks to wrestle about every 5 minutes. John actually enjoys wrestling with him, and says that "being around Luke, gives him alot of energy". I think this is a true sign that God made those two for each other, since most people look at Luke and get worn out! Joel has been taking naps and staying up late with John, and they've been talking about all kinds of things and Chloe has enjoyed giving him lots of hugs and kisses, and playing all the car games her dad is teaching her (actually a great way to get them out of a tantrum).
It is amazing to see them all together and John is absolutly increadible with them! We all feel so blessed!
John came in Thurs. night and the past two days have been fairly unscheduled. It's been unusually cold here, but we've taken the kids to the beach every morning and have been on some "treasure hunts" to get the energy out. Today is our last day of leave, and then John will begin the "decompression process" of work for the next couple weeks.
I'll keep adding pics as I find ways to get internet. I finally found an internet lobby to get this stuff on, but we'll have different lodging situation starting tomorrow, so we'll see when I make it back on.
Blessings to everyone and we'll try to keep everyone updated :)
The beach? Different lodging? Where are you guys???? Well I am so excited to see an update, i've been waiting for one since John's been back. It brings tears to my eyes to see everyone back together again! I am so happy for your family.
I am sooo happy that John is home safe. Just like the first comment, I teared up seeing you all together. Have fun in HI, and do not have the baby until you are home.
Yeah!!!! i'm so glad John is finally home--tell him hello from us! Spend some relaxing time together (w/ three kids!!) before you add one more to the bunch!!! I'm sure you're all having a great time- hope it warms up- get some sun for me :-)
I checked your blog today hoping to hear that John made it home safe. It is so great to see pictures of you all together again and it makes me cry. What a great family the 5 (soon to be 6!) make. Enjoy this time together!
So incredibly happy for you guys! Your smiles are priceless! And you look absolutely beautiful! You have been so strong through all this and I'm glad you can now relax a bit with John home. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip. Praying for safe travels home and a wonderful delivery back in WA.
It's so great to see your family all together again! I'm so glad John's home safely, and I can't wait to get a call hearing that you had another little Goldsworthy boy! God Bless you guys, and have fun in the sun of Hawaii!
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