Zach is the cutest sledder ever!

Chloe girl :)

Joel, after he lost his gloves and took mine.
Loving the first sled of the season together!

John, running over Luke.

Luke, taking the slope.

Looks like she hit Luke.

Joel, complaining that he wanted to go inside. Of course he forgot his coat, lost his gloves and at one point took his boots off! I'd want to go inside too!

John and Luke attempted to snowboard down the hill on thier sleds. They were actually pretty good at it! John, being an old man, whiped out and hurt his knee. I never even could get up on one!

Luke attempting to snowboard down.

Chloe ugs. She tried to first go outside in her ughs and her leggings! John and I refused to let her out like that and told her to put her snow pants and coat on. Her reply was, but mom, the clothes I have on look like Gap!.....oh man, what are we in for!
haha love Chloe's awareness of style... she is never going to be impressed with aunt Heidi!
Your first sledding where John is home and you're not pregnant!!!!
Congratulations and I truly do praise God for all He's given you...and your perserverance through it all!!!
You'll have to keep trying to get up on that sled, though. I know you can do it!
p.s. Conner checks the thermometer minute by minute just waiting for it to turn cold enough for snow!
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