Here are some this and that's that I want to remember:
Zach learned how to dance this week. He will make a break into Chloe's room, turn up the volume on the radio and then bounce up and down! Chloe and I think it's the cutest thing ever. He thinks he's so cool!
Story of the month!
Luke had an injury of some sort and showed me how he put a "band-aid with Neosporin" on his foot injury. The band-aid (that I really only glanced at) looked familiar, and my mother-in-law provides us with lots of interesting band-aids, so I didn't think much of it. The next day, I injured my toe and Luke, so kindly, brought me a band-aid. I wore it all day. The next day, Luke stepped on a tack and again, got a "band-aid with Neosporin". Later, I walked in the bathroom and saw Crest White-Strips packaging all over the floor! I realized that we'ld all been using Crest Whitening Strips as band-aids! I've been laughing about it ever since!
Kids today went to Grandma and Grandpas in Rosalia. Our friend Tom was driving to Colton and said he would take them and Grandpa Bob could pick them up in Colfax. On teh way they hit a deer! Everyone was fine, and it started a big trip for the boys, off in a big adventure kind of way! Joel immediately called me and told me they hit a deer as big as a mountain with a telephone pole on top! Must have been pretty exciting! Good thing we said a prayer for safety before they left!