Our friends, Katy and Cameron, had a weak moment one day at Farmer's Exchange, where they purchsed 2 little ducks. They later remembered that they lived in a one bedroom apt. They also soon realized that ducks poop more than they eat and although they loved their little ducks and had fun watching them swim in their tub, they knew it was time for them to be realised into the wild....or the Petersen farm ditch.
Duck release party crew :)
Why do pictures end up sideways sometimes?? As you can see, the poor ducks were not so sure about the boys holding them....can you imagine why?!
Even Zachy loved the little ducks.
Chloe was hesitant, but finally got up the nerve to hold Daisy duck.....or maybe that one was Scott?

Luker and a duck.

Cute little things, aren't they!

After the ducks had been fed strawberries, grass, other weeds the kids found and were chased, held too tightly and dropped, it was time for us to go. Here are the kids riding away with Papa.
Take care little duckies....we'll come visit you soon :)
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