Here's to our family bike ride. We had 3 adults (aunt Holly came) and 3 bike-riding children, and one infant rider. All I can say is it's a good thing we had 3 adults! The kids did a great job, but bikes with training wheels are just sort of slow. I probably could have walked at Joel's pace. The adults took turns walk/jogging. Holly and I rode home, got all the rafting gear, and John and the kids rafted home (remember we are blessed to live right off the river)! They even stopped by Treasure Island, and say pirates, who weren't wearing Pirate clothes....hmmm. Luke's had dreams about Treasure Island every night since. Oh what fun to be a kid with a dad who loves adventure as much as you!
This pic is sideways, but as you can see, Zach definetly enjoyed himself, and even took a nap in the park, where we stopped to eat. Not a bad life, if you asked me.
Man! This many kids/adults means alot of bikes! They're obvioulsy not all pictured.

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