Hey Everyone,
Hope you had a great Christmas. Here at Taji it was pretty much another day except for a service in the m0rning.
Wish I could post all the interesting things going on over here, will just say that it's been fairly quite over here. Last night there was an explosion and gun fire outside of the wire, but other then that this reconciliation has been a good thing. Pray that we all have the wisdom to continue it with the Sunnis. Every area in Iraq has it's own unique circumstances w/ it's own shieks trying to get power. I went outside of the wire for the first time to check-out our future home. Interesting experience, lots of people, lots of small fields w/ canals. Lots of spread out farm houses. Our JSS will be on the outskirts of a town of about 4,000.
Attached is a Christmas picture.
Will write more in the future, everything is going good here.
God Bless,