Custer Master Yoda ever!
The crew...may the force be with you. It was actually impossible to get them all to take a decent picture together! Nice picture of the lightsabers, they lasted about 6 hours.
Joel as Darth Vader. I think he really just wanted a Lightsaber.Costume consisted of, my shirt (backwards), Joels PJ pants, and John's green/brown Army socks over Luke's tennis shoes. Not bad for 0$!
Good overcoming Evil....well not really, but for the sake of a picture.
To explain this last picture, we actually did the above trick-or-treating at families houses the night before Halloween. On Halloween, we drove up to John's parent's house. Grandma Genie had an assortment of this and that for fun dress up costumes, so we let the kids choose...we ended up with Bob the builder, Cowgirl Chloe and, stilll...Luke as Luke Skywalker. And that completes the Goldsworthy Halloween 2009!
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